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The wiki about ZombiU, a game developed by Ubisoft Montpellier and published by Ubisoft.
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ZombiU is a first-person survival-horror game developed by Ubisoft Montpellier. It is made exclusively for the Wii U. The game is a first-person survival-horror set in a post-apocalyptic London that has been ravaged by zombies. Most notably, it uses the Wii U Gamepad functionality to force players to look away from the screen while browsing their inventory but without pausing the game, leaving characters vulnerable while looking away from the screen. ZombiU is released simultaneously with the Wii U - November 18, 2012 (NA) and November 30th, 2012 (EU). The game is based on Ubisoft's first game, Zombi.

Community Blogs

Tora Van Darsch Tora Van Darsch 19 September 2018

Most iconic area of Zombiu?

I'd like to make a poll but that doesn't seem possible, so instead I'll ask here: Which is the most emblematic area of the game in your opinion?

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TheBlueRogue TheBlueRogue 25 March 2013

Creating the Narrative of ZombiU

At GDC 2013, Award-winning ZombiU writers Gabrielle Shrager (story design director, Ubisoft Montpellier) and Antony Johnston (New York Times best-selling graphic novelist and games writer) retraced tā€¦

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TheBlueRogue TheBlueRogue 22 March 2013

ZombiU at GDC 2013

Game Developerā€™s Conference (GDC) is the worldā€™s largest and longest-running gaming professionals industry event. The conference contains 400 lectures, panels, tutorials and round-table discussions oā€¦

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Exophonics Exophonics 22 December 2012

Upcoming King of the Zombies Updates

CONGRATS! YOU SURVIVED THE APOCALYPSE! Well I think in terms of the ZombiU developers, that might be a bad think as ZombiU seemed to thrive off the horror that was the Mayan Apocalypse...

Anyway, I'veā€¦

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