ZombiU Wiki
Tower of London

The Player getting ready to fight The Infected


The Tower Of London is a location in ZombiU and is part of a mission where you try to escape with The Ravens of Dee and make it out of London. to get there you have to make your way across the shore of the Thames river and enter the gateway by the shore of which the tower is located.

Mission - Call For Evac[]

on the way The Prepper warns you that you would be shot and killed rather than being rescued by the ravens. after making it to the castle you will have to progress throuht the catacombs and to the main courtyard, there Sondra Kelley will say that you must hurry, because the helicopter on the roof is soon leaving. after fighting through a number of infected you make it to the roof there you will have to fight a wave of infected with the help of Sondra. after 20 to 30 seconds the helicopter arrives and a flock of ravens swarm the chopper and it crashes near the tower. Sondra will then tell the player that she will contact you again when she finds another chopper to evacuate the other members and the player out of London.

