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The Prepper, as revealed at the end of the game.

""This is the Prepper, do you read me? Over.""
( - The Prepper to a new Survivor)

The Prepper, who's real name is implied to be John William Wright, is a major character in ZombiU. He is a mysterious soldier who guides the player throughout the game.


While not much information is known about The Prepper, various envelopes can be collected to give the player some insight about his past, as well as bits of information spoken by Sondra Kelley and Dr. Knight.

Before the Outbreak[]

Before the outbreak in London, the Prepper (real name John William Wright) worked as a soldier in the British military, specifically a signals brigade. He rose up in the ranks and eventually joined the Omega Group, an elite group of soldiers who are tasked with guarding the Royal Family. John was also secretly a member of the Ravens of Dee, or at least he worked alongside them for a time. He helped them build fortifications in order to prepare for the oncoming Blight, however he later left the group due to having a different interpretation of John Dee's Prophecy. While the Ravens believed that there is a cure for the plague, and also believed that they should help rescue people, John firmly believed that there is no cure, and that only the prepared will survive. During his time with the Ravens he got into a relationship with fellow Raven Sondra Kelley, however their relationship crumbled due to frequent arguments John had with her and the other Ravens over his interpretation of the Prophecy, with Sondra later getting into a relationship with Ron Freedman, another Raven.

At some point during the 1990s, John was apparently relieved of his military duties, however in 2002 he broke into Buckingham Palace and attempted to warn the Queen about the Blight. However, he was shot by his own former men, then arrested and locked away for an unknown amount of time. This caused him to have resentment against both the Queen and the Ravens of Dee for many years.


  • When you retrieve the first book for Dr. Knight, he will say that the "Prepper Pad" looks like something the Omega Group used. He then gives you an upgrade for the pad. This hints some form of involvement in the Omega Group. (let's not forget that the Prepper claims to have made the Prepper Pad).
  • Dr. Knight also reveals that, prior to the events of the game, a member of the Ravens, who was also a former Omega Group soldier, came barging into the Palace ranting about Dee's Prophecy, and was shot by his own men. A newspaper found in the office also confirms this. Safe to say that this Raven was most likely the Prepper.
  • The Prepper mentions working as a signals brigade in the military, adding to the possibility of being a member of the Omega Group.
  • The first envelope found in the game is a letter from Sondra to a man named John, and it mentions him having disagreements with the other members of the Ravens because of what he interpreted from the prophecy. A second letter from Sondra to John can be found in Brick Lane Flats, and it mentions John being in a Psychiatric Ward and apparently now having a hatred towards Sondra.
  • Sondra even mentions John once the player arrives at the Ravens' headquarters in the Tower of London, and says that he was the best "Prepper" they had, but was locked up for trying to warn the queen, and was never the same.
  • He mentioned teaming up with the Ravens of Dee to build safe houses, hinting involvement with the Ravens.
  • The Prepper is shown to heavily dislike Ron Freedman, calling him a "soft-headed imbecile". This is likely because of Ron disagreeing with the Prepper's interpretation of the Prophecy, as well as the fact that he had started dating Sondra, the ex-girlfriend of "John", as revealed in a newspaper.
  • "John" tried to warn the Queen. But how does one contact the Queen? Via political power or military status. So, the Prepper probably had military status before the outbreak and there is a chance that he was in the Omega Group.
  • He doesn't believe in a cure. For someone to have a belief like that, one most have gone through something very painful, commonly a great deal of humiliation. And since "John" was locked up after trying to warn the Queen, this implies that "John" and the Prepper are the same person. 
  • An envelope found inside Buckingham Palace mentions the Queen allowing the release of a man named "John William Wright" from the Psychiatric Ward.
  • The Prepper called the Queen of England a sentient lizard, this could support both being in the Omega Group and in the Ravens. If he is "John" then he would most likely hold a grudge against the Queen for locking him up.
  • Dr. Knight has some knowledge on Dee's prophecy, so someone most have told him. Maybe "John" did.


  • The Prepper is voiced by Richard Hawley.
  • The Prepper may have other conspiracy beliefs as well, at one point stating that the queen of England is a sentient lizard, though this may be a joke on his part. this also seems to be a reference to conspiracy theorist David Icke as well.
  • The Prepper's fatalistic attitude and promise to outlive the player, the Ravens, and everyone else, as well as his refusal to evacuate before the firebombing, could lend credence to him believing himself to be the "new ruler of Londonium" as prophesied in Dee's writings, where a single person emerges from the post-Blight ashes to rebuild and rule. This would, in his eyes, make him the ultimate survivor and prove everyone wrong.
  • The Prepper states that he worked with the Ravens of Dee in building multiple safe houses, possibly meaning that he is aiding not only the player, but multiple people.
  • If you die, depending on your survivor score, the Prepper either laments your death, shows a bit of worry, or believes you're useless.
  • Though the game is based in London, the Prepper has a very strong Yorkshire (Sheffield) accent.
  • The Prepper becomes notably annoyed when the player aids other survivors (Vikram, The Ravens of Dee, The Doc, etc.)
  • He believes that the "panacea" or the cure does not exist.
  • While he does make an appearance towards the end of the game, his face is never seen.
  • He seems to have an amputated right leg, as seen in the cutscene of his only appearance.

