A survivor killing a zombie
Survivors, as their name would suggest, are the survivors of the zombie epidemic. Every survivor in ZombiU has a maximum of 100 health which cannot be increased. When a survivor dies, they become infected and add to the the horde of Zombies, and can no longer be playable unless the game is reset. All items/weapons carried by a survivor can be retrieved from the corpse if the survivor should ever die. Survivors have different professions.
All survivor names are randomized.
In Normal Mode, the first 3 survivor models are always the same but with different names and professions. After they die, all survivors afterwards will have randomly generated clothing, professions, race and appearance, the first 3 survivor appearances are, respectively:
A man with a stained white shirt and light brown jacket and short shaved hair, he is also the only survivor model playable in Survivor Mode, his profession varies.
A woman with blonde ponytailed hair, a white tank top, denim shorts and knee high boots, her profession also varies.
A male police officer with a bandaged wound on his head, black skin with pale areas from battle wounds, and an armored police vest, his profession is always police related.