ZombiU Wiki
ZU Supermarket

Supermarket view exterior

Zu entrance


Zu interior


The supermarket is a location in ZombiU

The supermarket is situated in the Brick Lane Markets near the beginning of the game. To enter the supermarket, the survivor must use the back entrance which will activate an alarm when opened, attracting some infected police in the area. 

This is also a good spot to find supplies such as ammunition, and food for health restoration. The food can be cakes or energy drinks, for example. As such, it's always a location to visit before entering the Brick Lane Flats

Notable Loot[]

  • Hammer - Located in the Delli after exiting the freezer section.
  • Spread Upgrade - Located along the far wall when first entering the store, behind some shelves.
  • Molotov Cocktail - Two, located in the basement on a shelf near the CCTV box.
  • Various food items - Spread throughout the store.


  • A shelf with small green alien toys can be found in the supermarket, and are labelled as "Attack of the Killer Rabbids from Outer Space". This is a reference to Killer Freaks From Outer Space, which was what ZombiU was originally intended to be as during its early stages of development.

