Sondra at the failed evacuation
'I'll contact you again, okay? I swear on the Seal of God"
-Sondra after the Helicopter crash
Sondra Kelley is the leader of the secret society known as The Ravens of Dee and a supporting character in ZombiU.
Born in South London, Sondra was a member of the Ravens of Dee, and eventually became the leader of the organization. She developed a relationship with fellow Raven John William Wright (aka The Prepper) before eventually falling for Ron Freedman, another Raven. She believes in the words of John Dee, but not to the same extent as the Prepper, which is one of the reasons why they eventually parted ways, along with the fact that the Prepper blames the Ravens for his imprisonment in a mental ward, after trying to warn the Queen of Dee's Prophecy.
In ZombiU[]
Sondra is first heard on the Prepper Pad when the player enters Ron Freedman's flat. She explains that several of the Raven's nests have been raided by vultures, before trying to contact Ron to inform him of their evacuation, oblivious to the fact that Ron is dead. She speaks on the Pad again when the player goes back to Victoria Memorial, informing any survivors that when the Tower of London bells ring, the evacuation will commence. The Prepper tells the player to ignore her, saying that the Ravens will just shoot the player rather than save them.
She then speaks to the player directly through the pad and tells them of the evacuation. She presents an opportunity to escape via helicopter at the Tower of London, then appears in person and assists the escape by taking out infected with her rifle as the player exits the Victoria Memorial and cross the roof of the Tower of London. Unfortunately, the helicopter crashes after a supernatural force drives a flock of ravens into the propeller. Sondra looks in dismay but promises to the player that they will find another way to rescue them.
After the player escapes Buckingham Palace with the Panacea, Sondra informs all survivors to head to the Tower of London again as the RAF is about to firebomb the city, with Sondra trying to keep her promise to rescue the player. Once the player reaches the Tower of London, they are rescued by Sondra inside a helicopter, which then flies away as the RAF destroy London.
- Sondra Kelley is voiced by Alix Wilton Regan.
- Several letters scattered throughout the game reveal that Sondra and the Prepper used to be in a relationship, although the Prepper currently despises her.
- In one of the newspapers, it is revealed that she also had a relationship with Ron Freedman, probably one of the reasons why the Prepper hates her.