The SA80A2 is a British made Assault rifle featured in ZombiU. The SA80 fires the 5.56x45mm NATO round and has been standard issue since 1987 and has remained in service.
It is the most powerful overall weapon in the game in terms of overall stats, but it is also one of the last weapons the player will receive.
Without exception, the SA80A2 is the most powerful overall weapon in the game. While very similar to the AK-47, the SA80A2 has better punch, less recoil, and more accuracy, which means it's much better at firing short bursts accurately to pick off longer-ranged Infected. The slightly slower fire rate means it does less damage per-second than the AK, but the better accuracy more than makes up for it.
Many players agonize between this weapon and the AK; the AK-47 is available much earlier and has much better damage-per-second, whereas the the SA80A2 is available far later and is much more generalist. The player can choose one or the other to upgrade (or both), and use them accordingly, but they will have to bear in mind the rarity of Assault Rifle ammo.
The SA80 can be found at St George's church. When you're ambushed by a group of savages that think putting you through a sick kind of game show is fun, they put you in a fight to the death with the infected. After you press the "Fun Button" and kill the remaining infected, your BOB will be in the area the infected came out of. Then, after you retrieve your BOB, there is a padlock door, and inside will be a mounted SA80, machine gun ammo, and a box with your BOB equipment and supplies.