ZombiU Wiki
Magnum Pistol
As seen at the work bench
Base Statistics
Weapon Type(s) Handgun
Damage 177
Fire Rate 0.32
Reload {{{reload}}}
Spread .310
Capacity Handgun Ammo
Scope? No
Silencer? No
Upgrade Statistics
Upgraded Damage {{{updamage}}}
Upgraded Fire Rate {{{upfirerate}}}
Upgraded Spread {{{upspread}}}
Upgraded Capacity {{{upammo}}}

"Only the Yanks could have come up with a magnum like that. A handgun that you can barely fit in your bloody hand."

-The Prepper

The Magnum Pistol, also known as the Desert Eagle, "Deagle" or simply Magnum is a semi-automatic handgun available in ZombieU.


The Magnum is a very powerful handgun: as the name would imply, it fires hotter and heavier cartridges that hit harder than typical handgun rounds, doing more damage than even the No. 4 Carbine. It also deals heavy knockback, sending even powerful infected reeling back. It can kill average infected with a single, clean headshot, making it fairly ammo efficient.

Its main tradeoffs are a low rate of fire, loud noise, immense recoil, and the smallest magazine capability of all handguns in the game. Thus it is very well suited to dealing with singular, tougher enemies. It also cannot carry a silencer.


  • The magnum pistol is directly based on the Desert Eagle. Designed in the 80's by Magnum Research Inc., it still holds the distinction for chambering the largest centerfire cartridge of any magazine-fed, self-loading pistol: .50 Action Express.
    • Despite the Prepper's offhand comment about Americans inventing the Desert Eagle being true, it was first produced by an Israeli company, Israel Military Industries (IMI), after its initial design was refined.