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Gillian in the online comic

Gillian Thompson is a major antagonist (when she's a zombie) in ZombiU and a minor character (when she was human) in the online prequel comic Z-14. She was the manager of the Brick Lane Community Nursery in Baconfields.

In the Z-14 comic[]

On the second day of the zombie outbreak, Gillian and all the nursery children have hidden inside the basement of the Brick Lane Nursery. Gillian records a message on a toy recorder, explaining that she and the children have been trapped down there for more than a day. She states that she doesn't know how long they can stay hidden for, as well as not knowing how many messages the toy recorder can hold. After recording the message, she then looks in a corner of the basement room and sees an infected child feasting on the corpse of one of the staff.

This is the last time she is seen in the comic. It can be presumed that the child attacked and infected Gillian upon it's discovery.

In ZombiU[]

When the player enters the central room in the downstairs portion of the Nursery, they will find a toy recorder on a table, the same toy recorder seen in the comic. Activating it will reveal a recorded message left by Gillian. She explains in the message that she is taking the children down in the basement because the screams from outside are upsetting them, she then begs the listener for help, before screaming "Oh God!" followed by the message abruptly ending.

ZU ComicCon Screenshot Nursery Nurse Date NO LOGO

The now infected Gillian, attacking the player.

Once the player falls into the basement and goes inside the storage area, they will be attacked by Gillian, who is now infected and has become a ghost-like monster capable of teleportation. Several small bodies can also be found in the basement, revealing that Gillian has eaten all the staff and children. Once the player kills Gillian, the Prepper will ask the player to take a closer look at her. Attempting to scan or loot Gillian will result in her getting up and screaming in the player's face, before dropping dead once again.


  • Gillian is the first of four evolved infected that are encountered in the game.
  • Additionally, Gillian is the only infected in the entire game to come back to life and scream in the player's face when scanned or looted.
  • It is unknown how Gillian possessed teleportation powers when she was infected. It could be she was infected with a certain mutated strain of the virus, or possibly due to the fact that she has been afflicted with the disease for a very long time.
  • A corpse identical to Gillian can be found in the next room hanging from the ceiling. It could be that this corpse is intended to be Gillian, rather than the infected fought in the previous room, but this is unconfirmed.