On your last visit to the Doctor's lab (When Dr. Knight is not present), on the side of his removed Hazmat Suit, you will find a recorder on the floor starting from Day 3, assumingly, of the outbreak's start:
"Day three, and things get worse by the hour. Some of Omega Group still hold out hope of a rescue, but wouldn't someone have contacted us by now? I fear we may be trapped here. And the number of infected is growing."
"Day four. I have insisted the family be quarantined in the laboratory's secure area, as the number of infected guards rises. The one thing for which I'm grateful is my personal interest in the alchemical Panacea. Today, i will resume my work, and perhaps thereby restore some hope."
"Day five. The Panacea work is progressing, albeit slowly. If only I could get into the Palace library, or call on friends who possess texts that would help... but alas. Testing begins this afternoon."
"Day five, supplemental. No Panacea yet, but the tests have turned up an effective virucidal poison. I will spend today manufacturing syringes, and encourage the guards to distribute them as widely as possible."
"Day six. The Panacea tests have... not gone well. None of the infected soldiers we managed to trap and inject have displayed any remission, although it has definitely changed the manner of their infection. To what end, i can't say."
"Day seven. Disaster. We are all infected. Only the latest iteration of my Panacea tests keeps me, and the family, from succumbing entirely. But I will not shy from this task! I must succeed... for Queen and country!"
(Day or supplemental not specified) "I have discovered several entirely new vectors and pathogens through my examination of the infection. It really is quite remarkable. Is there even a journal left to publish in? I doubt it."
(Day or supplemental not specified, this log must be due to the player's actions) "At last! I have all the pieces necessary to begin my final testing of the Panacea! Science will triumph, I am sure of it!
(Day or supplemental not specified) "The family's condition deteriorates day by day. Even science cannot save them... or me, I fear. My own condition shows no sign of improving."
(Day or supplemental not specified) "Finally... the Panacea is ready, but... but, it's a vaccine, not a cure... still, it must be given to the world... I've backed up the formula to the server mainframe, in the royal quarters... because now I must go to the surface... to call for help... I don't know if i'll return."

Location of Dr. Knight's recorder, on your last visit.